
Showing posts from September, 2021

Mapping Teaching Approach with Bloom’s Cognitive Levels for Structured Learning

In this digital age, a teacher needs to invent and re-invent the teaching practices to adapt to the changing learning patterns. A systematic instructional approach and a growth mindset can facilitate learning. Bloom's taxonomy can be a good starting point for defining teaching or instructional approach for structured learning. This is the reason why I choose to write on this topic. Using a simple example,  I'll discuss how a teacher can use Bloom's taxonomy to ensure learner's growth from Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Before going to the example, I'll briefly  cover Bloom’s old and revised taxonomy and  the action verbs associated with it, including Bloom's digital taxonomy verbs. Let's get started... Introduction PC: Wiki Photo Library       Benjamin Samuel Bloom ( Feb 21, 1913  –  Sep 13, 1999)  was an American educational psychologist who reconstructed the objectives of teaching practices.  His pioneering work